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lunes, 11 de enero de 2021

In English Nesara: The law that freed the world January 29, 2017

In an age of universal deception, telling the truth is a revolutionary act "George Oswell

Rumors are circulating that the President of the United States Donald Trump activated or is about to activate the NESARA Act (National Economic Security And Reformate Act) passed by Congress on March 9, 2000 but that no previous president activated or put into practice. It has not activated it but it will activate it in the coming weeks since all the executive orders that it has implemented and those that are missing prepare the way for when it activates the law.

It all started in 1978 with the case of a farmer who took a loan from a bank. When one of his sons died he was going to live on the farm, the bank seized the farm alluding to the small letters of the contract that if he died before finishing Paying it became the property of the bank. The farmer's son (he was a military man) went to court to fight the case but lost. Then he met other children of farmers who were going through the same thing, they began to investigate and discovered irregularities in the granting of loans (plus other tricks) and even more discovered that the government was an accomplice of the banks. In 1993 the Union of Farmers The United States took the case before the Supreme Court and in a unanimous decision won the case. The Supreme Court appointed five judges to be in charge of articulating the way to compensate those affected.
banking, constitution, government and laws, etc) The five judges and the hundreds perhaps thousands of advisers are known as the White Knights.

Thanks to the testimony of a former CIA agent, they also discovered that the government's tax system (IRS) was acting illegally since only four states in the nation had signed to establish it and collecting taxes for centuries had been illegal. Congress finalized the findings in the NESARA law passed on March 9, 2000. On September 9, 2001 it was announced that on September 11, 2001 at 10:00 AM the law would be activated (George W. Bush would activate it). ) "coincidentally" that day the tragedy of 911 and the Twin Towers occurred (at 8:45 AM and 9:03 AM an hour earlier),

Some of the most relevant points of NESARA are:
1.Eliminates debt to loans, credit cards and bank debts related to illegal activities of banks and the government (The government gave banks the power to create money that does not they have, they give you the tickets but they don't have the gold resources, etc. to guarantee the money they lend you. The same happens with credit cards. (read point # 5)
2. Eliminate the payment of income tax and the IRS; It sets a rate of 14% on purchases of everything except food and medicine and second-owner houses. Something similar to what García Padilla wanted to do.
3. Increase in retirement pensions. Contrary to what Richie Rich Roselló proposes.
4.Return to the original laws of the American Republic. Cancel laws that do not go according to ...
5. Create a new currency: the rainbow dollar; since it includes gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals to guarantee the issuance of currency (money)
6. Eliminate the (damn) Federal Reserve System. (responsible for at least more than a thousand deaths from the * Olimpic-Titanic). Not including hundreds of suicides caused by their ambition (bankruptcy)
7. Reinstate Constitutional Law to all courts and justice systems.
8. Reinstate financial privacy (perhaps this is why Trump did not show his forms).
9. It restricts (maintains) all judges, lawyers and prosecutors in the Constitutional Law.
10. Paralyze Cessation of all US military actions in the world.
11. Establish peace in the world. (I imagine that urges other countries to truce for at least
     4-6 months.
12. Initiates the first phase of the distribution of goods accumulated over decades.
13. Releases huge amounts of money for humanitarian aid in the world.
14. Releases the hijacked patents of positive benefits for humanity (6,000+) of free energy, antigravity, and healing through sound, inventions of Tesla.
Perhaps also to release information about: Aliens, Nibiru, vaccine damage etc.

15.Provides 120 days 4 months to prepare new Presidential and Congressional elections after the announcement of NESARA. This is why I say that Trump will use the first weeks or months to prepare the way and ultimately announce NESARA.
My logical-political nose tells me that we will have to wait for Trump to nominate and the congress to confirm the 9th Supreme Court judge who ensures that he has the majority of judges if they file an important case during the process. This week the president must nominate his candidate for the vacancy on the Supreme Court.

Now I understand about the wall and the deportation of illegals; prevent them from entering and voting in those special elections. If in the last elections, according to studies from various universities, 5 to 10 million people voted illegally (between dead and illegal), it is necessary to remove or scare those who want to vote illegally.

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump and Congress pass a law to deport or imprison those who vote illegally.

16. Monitor elections and prevent illegal activities or special interest groups.

17. ^ Eliminates the application of admiralty laws (maritime laws controlled by the Vatican) and other complex laws that apply to us and we do not know. This provision is not in the list above but I have read it in other documents.

It seems to me that Trump or that he invokes the law has to leave the presidency when announcing NESARA, This is one of the reasons why no president has dared to invoke the activation of the law (a designated group will take charge of the government in what upcoming elections) perhaps this is why Trump is in such a rush to change certain laws, remove inoperative leaders, and cancel Obama's executive orders.
Trump wants to put himself in a good position to win those new elections or maybe he wants to fix the house and then not run and let Vice President Mike Pence run.

Trump will undoubtedly become the last White Knight, if he announces NESARA.

In Puerto Rico our "flaming / flaming" Governor Richy.Rich.Roselló protects the great interests, puts at risk the labor rights and pensions of retirees, endangers cooperatives and cooperatives, protects banks. In truth, that our governor is a head ... head ... ildero of the great interests that are sought to abolish in America and is preparing the way to privatize even the prostitutes.

* When I talked to my sister about the Olimpic-Titanic, she classified me as a conspiranoic. The millionaires who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve, a private entity, not a federal one, traveled in the Olimpic (it seems) to manage the money and the beginning of organized usury (JPMorgan and the
/ Citybank)
There is a theory that the Olimpic ship was exploited from the inside out (not the Titanic, not an iceberg either), just like the Twin Towers and the Maine ship in the port of Havana.

 There was a coincidence between the farmers and the military, since some soldiers were the children of farmers, but later the desire to return to democracy and the government system of the original republic arose in the retired military. As they are retired soldiers, this is why they ask in the clauses, the increase in pensions.

^ When you are born and your name is written in a lowercase letter it means that you are a human being.When you are registered in the demographic registry with a capital letter you become an object or a corporation and you lose your humanity before the government, the courts etc. You become collateral for the government if the government files for bankruptcy. I had read about another clause in NESARA that restores your identity to your birth certificate and government documents. Before, the birth certificate was not necessary since most Catholics had a Baptism Faith that served the same purposes. I think which is contained in the 1st clause alluding to the illegal activities of the government and / or the bank.

The Birth Certificate

Since the early 1960's State governments, themselves legal fictions as indicated by full caps, have issued birth certificates to "persons" using all-caps names. This is not a lawful record of your physical birth, but a legal fiction indicated by the use of all-caps. It may look as if it's your proper name, but that's impossible since no proper name is ever written in all-caps. As you will see, the Birth Certificate is the government's created legal instrument for its legal title of ownership, or deed, to the personal legal fiction they have created.

Taken from: NESARA

There is another inference that I make that I cannot stay without expressing it. If George W. Bush had to declare NESARA on September 11, 2001 at 10:00 AM and a little over an hour before he was reading The Pet Goat book   , in a Florida school this indicates that he knew something was going to happen. that it would prevent you from declaring NESARA; In other words, he knew what was going to happen in the Twin Towers because if not, he would have been in the White House (Washington) preparing for the announcement.

NESARA was to be publicly announced on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10:00 am, but the cabal decided to blow up the World Trade Center buildings at 8:00 am in order to prevent that historic moment from happening.

It all began on May 1, 1776 when Adan Weishaupt created The Illuminati of Bavaria (Illuminatis) with the economic auspices of Mayer Amschel Bauer, son of a Judeo-German merchant who placed at the entrance of the business a red shield of an eagle and of there he began to be called in the town; The Red Shield Store or The Rothschilds.

Could it be that Trump will wait until July 2020 100 days before the next elections to declare NESARA and thus coincide the general elections with the NESARA process? Or perhaps he will forget the promises and switch sides?

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